15 years of blogging

 Oddly, after 4 years of being away from this blog (for the most part - I frequently share my clafoutis recipe), I checked in and realized that I've been blogging off and on for 15 years.

My blog is a teenager.

It is the only record I've kept of my life since 2007 when my dog Emma died and totally derailed the hip and slightly ironic but super smart contemporary art blog I was planning by ripping my heart out. I chose to share that instead. 

It was a time when there was no Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/TikToc. I don't remember, did I email people when I published a new blog? I remember spending time every few days going to the five or seven bloggers I was following reading of their lives and looking at their pictures. As I look over the comments, there were a lot more comments in the early days. 

But then FB came in and it became easier to go to the common room rather than visiting each house. 

But you know what? I'm tired of the big noisy room full of ads and politics. I've been picking up the shards of life after the thing that cored all of us out the last few years. 

Today, I spent a lovely few hours checking back in with a few of those bloggers I used to visit. I rolled back the years as few of them are still active. It was lovely to revisit those times. 

I'm tired of the blogs that have so much garbage and ads on them that I can't see the article. 

Everything has to make money.


I don't expect my friends to slip me a $5 bill when I come to visit. I'm just glad that they were there to visit.

If there are ads on here, it's not my choice. But I'm glad you came back to visit. It's been a minute.

Handsewn lavender sachet


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