April already?!

Alert readers will notice that most of January, all of February, and all of March went by without comment.

The short version:

January happenings: a three day boot-making workshop in our studio that I mostly knit during and helped with feeding the 20 some folks who attended; prep for a western trade show; prep for a show in MT worked by our sales rep up there; started to clean the basement full of the detritus of 15+ years of living here; my horse colicked for the first (and I hope last) time in her life, was treated and is fine; and attended with friends the Gengis Khan exhibit in Denver.

February events: Packed up our trade show booth and mailed it out to Philly, got on a plane with jewelery, and worked a large tradeshow that happened right during the massive snowstorm that shut down most of the east coast. The city center was closed. Our hotel, thankfully, fed us all three meals the day of the worst of the snow. It was mostly highly processed stuff like Spagettios but it was better than ketsup and hot water soup. The show went alright considering that the airport was closed for a long time but we had hoped for better. Worked all month on planning two large events: my father's 90th birthday party working with my siblings and the Mazer Cup International working with a small group of volunteers from all over the country. At the end of the month we had another large trade show in Denver.

March happenings: Kept working on the details of the two big events until the middle of the month when we packed up and drove to Iowa for the party. It went really well and a great time was had by all. Then we drove home. Oh, and got a huge order from a wonderful National Park green store and shipped out the order in a week. And a couple of days after returning from Iowa, went to Boulder help run the MCI. That was a fun time but a massive amount of work. Again, things went well but I really over-worked and under-slept myself. At the end of the event, I stepped down as Commercial Competition Director as I am wanting to spend more time and focus with my businesses.

April so far: In early April in 2000, my mother died very suddenly. I have been wearing a few pieces of her jewelry a lot and thinking of her. Your mother is your cheerleader. No one every again will listen and applaud you the way she did. She died in April, I had my first bad car accident in January of 2000, my horse had died the fall before as had my father-in-law. In June 2000, my best friend was killed in a car accident. Also a huge wildfire came to within 3 miles of our house. In July another friend was killed in a gunfire accident. I don't know that I have ever gotten over the grief of that year, the body blows just kept coming.

I've been weary almost beyond belief. I keep talking about how my bones are tired. I had to keep pushing and pushing to get things done. It's been about a week now and I am only at about 50% recovered. I had to leave an event yesterday early as I was shaky with fatigue.

But the sun came out today and I was inspired. I did finally start some work in the garden. I cleaned out the old kitchen bed right outside the kitchen door. The soil in there is purchased Colorado top soil. I keep forgetting to not buy that as it is actually clay and weedseed. I amended it with some chicken manure last year and it's a bit better this year. I put lettuce and pea seeds to soak today and then went out and forked up the soil. I'll plant when the seeds start to sprout. I forked up 2 beds - one about 4 foot by 6 foot, and another 4 foot by 3 foot. I am worn out by that.

The main garden bed is untouched. I bought some of those horrible Jiffy pot things in a weak moment. They are just so darn easy. I believe they are made with compressed peat which my memory tells me is environmental disaster of some sort. I will get some cabbage and fennel started. I am also going to start a lot more flower seeds inside. I'd like a riot of color in the beds up to the studio without the riot in my pocket book of buying the seedlings.

I am not sure if it's just the number of things that took energy or that I am getting older, but I sure would have liked to recover before this.

I have gotten a couple full days of working on Fox Ryde Gardens. As an experiment, I did a Facebook page for the business. It was a ton of fun to do and we've already got around 15 fans. Pretty good for a business that has been on hold for a decade.

So thanks for checking back with me. Go "fan" my page in Facebook as I will most likely be updating there more often. As ever, my life is in flux and I will come here to expand on it.


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